Your Website,
An Investment or Expense?

Is Your Website An Investment Or An Expense?

Is your website an investment or just another expense? If you are not quite sure, ask yourself these two questions: 1. Is my website giving me the results that I need? 2. Did I go with the cheapest development option or did I research and find the best option to help me reach my goals? If you answered no to question 1 and “the cheapest” to question 2, then your site was just another expense; a check mark off the to-do list. I understand that everyone’s budget is different, but what was your reasoning for going with the cheapest option? Is it possible that you did not see the true value of having a website and how it can help fulfill your goals?

woman stressed over website

Your Website Is Your Business Partner

Think of your website as your business partner. You would not want to just choose anyone because they look nice or look like they belong in your industry. Such a critical decision should be made based off of their credentials; what they have to offer your business and how they can help you reach your goals. Your website should be working for you to help you fulfill your business goals. Just like a business partner, a good one can move you closer and help fulfill your business goals and a bad one can push you further away from them and make you look bad.

Your website is your business partner; it should be working for you to help you fulfill your business goals.

Do Your Research

It is important to do your research and invest in an option that focuses on more than just developing something that looks good. A web designer / developer’s pricing will determine their level of expertise, the amount of time that will be invested in researching the best options for you and your customers. It will also determine the level of customization used, and knowledge of and access to resources needed to help develop a site that offers real results; such as increasing revenue, automation, increasing your conversion rate, provide meaningful information, and the list goes on.

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