CEO of S. Mays Designs Stephanie Mays website consultancy and brand consultancy

Website Strategy + Consultancy

It's Time To Win On The Web!

To achieve success in branding and marketing you must have a strategy. We work with you to define and align your brand with your business goals and your customer’s needs to equip you with a strategy to developing meaningful connections and website design solutions. We also offer website audits to assess the quality and functionality of your site and provide recommendations on how to leverage your website and create a better experience for your customers. 

Why We Need Strategy


Before you build a house, you must first lay the foundation. But in order to lay the foundation, you need to have a plan of execution. Strategy helps us to lay the foundation and devise a plan to develop your website and other brand-focused tools that help position you to win on the web. This process proceeds any project we do and helps you and your team to pinpoint what your business truly needs to build brand awareness, make processes more efficient and increase your revenue. If you already have a website, you have the option of doing a consultation to evaluate the quality of your website with recommendations for the next steps to take your business to the next level. 

Schedule A Session Or Consultation

Web / Brand Strategy Session

Develop a success strategy for your website and digital content that will focus your branding, projects and marketing efforts. This option is for businesses that are ready to go to the next level and develop a road map to success online.

Website / Brand Consultation

In-person or digital meeting to get advice on branding, marketing, websites and business. This option is for businesses or individuals seeking advice on the next steps to improving their branding and online presence.

Stephanie Mays CEO of S. Mays Designs

Schedule A Strategy Session

Schedule your strategy session with S. Mays Designs CEO, Stephanie Mays to develop a success strategy for your brand and business website.  (You will be contacted within 24 – 48 hours to confirm your booking and further instructions.)

Stephanie Mays CEO of S. Mays Designs

Schedule A Consultation

Schedule your website and/ brand consultation with S. Mays Designs CEO, Stephanie Mays for advise on how to leverage your website and improve your branding.  (You will be contacted within 24 – 48 hours to confirm your booking and further instructions.)

S. Mays Designs website designs for Christian entrepreneurs logo


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