Why We Need Strategy In Design

What is strategy?

Strategy in design is the roadmap to a “successful” design. It helps you to define your brand; the who, what, where, why and how of your business. It also helps you to define who your customers are, their needs and how they need to be met. Lastly, it helps to define and prioritize your goals. By defining all these things, your designer is able to develop a focused design that will help carry out your goals and reflect your brand as the best option to fulfill your customer’s needs.

man drawing a strategy for web design

Strategy in design is the key to making a meaningful connections with your potential customers. After all, you're not just creating something that looks good, you're creating a solution.

Why do we need strategy in design?

When you incorporate strategy into your brand and designs, it prevents you from making decisions based off your own interests and bias. Yes it is your business and yes it is your vision, but your opinion isn’t the only thing that matters. No hard feels, just facts. Strategy helps you to stay focused on what your client’s needs are and makes sure that every decision you make is ultimately going to benefit the end user. Your customers come to you because they have a need or a problem, and it is up to you to be the solution; you can’t be the solution if you are only focused on what you like.

I have come across many business owners who want to make changes to their websites or graphics simply because they don’t like it or they have grown tired of it. It may be true that your designs need an upgrade, but the design decisions should be made to best fit your customer’s needs. This is where strategy comes into play. I always tell my clients that design should serve a purpose in a business. It should help you meet a goal in terms of awareness, efficiency or revenue and help meet your customers needs; if it doesn’t it’s just art. Choosing whether or not you will incorporate strategy will determine whether your next design will be a good investment or just another expense.

team working on ux design strategy
S. Mays Designs website designs for Christian entrepreneurs logo


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