Starting Your Own Business

Are You Ready To Start A Business?

When stepping into the role of self-employment and entrepreneurship one may think of not having to answer to anyone, clocking in when you are good and ready, and impromptu vacations whenever you feel like it. Yes, all this can be a possibility, but it comes after the hard work. Being an entrepreneur means 100% of the responsibility of doing what is needed to keep the business afloat is on you. It means, even on the days where you may not be feeling good, you may not be in the mood, or you don’t have support, you have to press through and get the job done. It is definitely not for the faint of heart. I share this not to discourage those who wish to start their own business, but to encourage you to prepare yourself before taking the leap.

Before You Start A Business

The journey will not be easy, but if you have a vision that God has placed in your heart for a business, trust that it will manifest with success once you buckle down and get to work, and God will provide what is needed to make it happen. However, before that time comes, take the opportunity to learn in the season that you are currently in. Before stepping out on my own full-time, I was in a manager position that taught me a lot about leadership, teamwork, patience, active listening, endurance and commitment. All of these were characteristics that I needed to help me run my own business and deal with clients on my own.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn and grow where you are now. Your current position will give you the tools you need to succeed in the next season of self-employment.

You may not be working on a job that you are fond of, but don’t miss the opportunity to grow from it. Once you’ve gotten all that you can from it to help develop you into the person you needed to be, God will shift you into the business that He has called you to produce. It is just like the story of Joseph in the Bible. He went through several situations that were not favorable from being sold by his brothers, to being accused of rape and thrown in prison. Though the situations were bad, he remained faithful and his gift, talents and knowledge put him in a position to make a huge impact and save lives.  All that he went through was preparation for where God was taking him.

So if you are currently employed and wish to be self-employed, begin preparing yourself for the journey. If you are self-employed, continue to grow and step back and take a look at your progress as much as you need to, to stay encouraged and keep pressing on.

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